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Get Involved

Your support is vital for our work at the Indian Printed Circuit Association. There are many ways you can contribute towards our causes, and every little bit that you contribute goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. Learn more about how you can help strengthen the Indian PCB and Electronics industry.

PCB Technology Knowhow Seminar
IPCA PCB Reach Expansion

Share Knowlege

PCB veterans and professionals can volunteer to share their experience and expertise in technology, quality, sales, and more with their growth-oriented industry colleagues.

Expand Reach

IPCA members can strengthen the unity and effectiveness of the industry by increasing awareness of IPCA activities and expanding membership.


You are contributing to IPCA even by adding value to yourself and your business.  Attend our seminars.  Host a stall at the IPCA Expo.  Be an active part of the PCB community of India!

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